30 August, 2000 --------------- Installation of magnetometer VM3: Magnetometer enclosure was clean and dry. Magnetometer PC was setup under the bench underneath the Comms PC (tried setting up in the corner of the station hut but the ethernet cable wasn't long enough). The monitor didnt work with the magnetometer (rack mount) PC so it the monitor was swapped with the COMMS PC monitor which did work (magnetometer monitor worked with COMMS PC). The magnetometer recording system PC then tested OK. The GPS unit was attached using an adaptor to a long piece of PVC piping. The piping was secured to the side of the building with the GPS antenna extending up above the roof of the building ~0.5 m's. The cable was run through the pipe and an existing entry point into the building. The entry point was sealed with silastic to stop intruders. The signal from the antenna was connected to the GPS-200 unit and tested to see if the date and time of the PC were being corrected properly. The date/time correction was functioning properly. The magnetometer signal cable was connected into the signal junction box. The bayonet connector was fitted at the enclosure end of the cable and the cable inlet to the enclosure was sealed with silastic. The magnetometer was placed in the enclosureand connected to test if sensible voltages could be measured coming from the instrument, which was found to be the case. The magnetometer was removed from the enclosure and stored in the building overnight. The acquisition software was on the COMMS PC was upgraded to Version 1.1. 31 August, 2000 --------------- Data type: "e" The instrument was inserted into the enclosure and aligned while slowly covering it with sand. After aligning , covering it completely with sand, securing the lid with brass screws, and sealing the enclosure with silastic, the output from the D-component was -11mVor -0.011V. The target was a reading of approximately -0.005 V, which was about the variation expected from the quiet day variation at that time of day. Recording was started and after waiting for several hours, I contacted the ASFC to check if the data was being transfered correctly. The data was being transferred OK, but was not being converted correctly. After Campbell Thompson (DF) created the IDL batch file for converting data from Darwin, ie., "dwn.bat", the conversion process functioned correctly. The data also displayed correctly. The system was left recording with an X10 switch still required to be installed for the magnetometer recording system. The station was already setup with the X10 system, with a setting of "A3" required for the magnetometer. (RAM - 13/9/00) 16 January, 2001 ------------------ An inter-station comparison has revealed that timing at Darwin appears to have drifted and is not being maintained by the GPS system. Presently, the time difference appears to be as much as 2 mintues and appears to have started drifting sometime after 24/11/01, however, this date was only ascertained from an inter-station comparison. (RAM - 16/1/02) 30 October, 2002 ------------------ #Begin included email Hi Vanessa, It seems that our magnetometer PC has some problems. Could you ask someone to go out to the IPS hut and have a look at it ? Any problems on the PC can be referred to Colin (Tel. 02 - 9213 8039) Best regards, Yangil Jin 30/10/02 #End included email (RAM - 30/10/02) 5 November, 2002 -------------------- #Begin included email FYI DWN MAG PC is dead. It is now back at TENIX for some diagnosis before I decide what to send up. CT #End included email (RAM - 5/11/02) 13 November, 2002 --------------------- #Begin included email FYI Further diagnosis by John @ Dwn of the Mag PC at Darwin indicates the HD controller on the SBC may have failed. Replacement SBC & HDisk to suite is being sent. Regards Campbell #End included email (RAM - 13/11/02) 19 November, 2002 --------------------- #Begin included email John @ DWN installed new SBC & HD DWN Mag control is now alive again Tue Nov 19 00:02:44 UTC 2002 DF please keep an eye on the data flow for the next 24 Hrs CU Later Campbell #End included email (RAM - 19/11/02) 18 August, 2003 ------------------------ The following email was sent to the station maintanence contractors as a fault had appeared in the data on 6 August and appears to be getting worse. (RAM) >>> Hi Geoff, When convenient, could someone please go out to the IPS station and push the reset button on the magnetometer signal junction box. Thanks. regards Richard Marshall <<< 28 August, 2003 (RAM) -------------------------- The following email was sent to station contractors. >>> The magnetometer seems to be playing up again. When convenient could you please send someone out to the station to ring me so I can get them to run some checks. The best number to catch me on is my mobile 0438053921 and could they please ring me before going out to the station so I can organise to be here. Thanks. best wishes Richard Marshall <<< 1 October, 2003 (RAM) ------------------------ IPSNET : >>> Darwin mag has been taken off line as it appears to have developed a fault. The people from Tenix have removed magnetometer VM3 from the pit and are taking it back to the workshop for testing. <<< 10 October, 2003 (RAM) ------------------------ IPSNET: >>> Data recording has been stopped on Darwin magnetometer while its being repaired. RAM <<< 11 December, 2003 (RAM) ----------------------- Magnetometer VM1 installed. H-component looks OK, but D- and Z-components appear to be outside range of A/D-card. 12 December, 2003 (RAM) ----------------------- Calibration parameters changed in "stn.dat" file at 0500UT to reflect change from VM3 to VM1. 20 July 2005 (RAM/DN) ---------------------- Mag fault: Blown fuse in power supply replaced. Restart at ~0400UT 20/7/05. 23 August 2005 (RAM/MH) ------------------------- 10:58LT: Removed XYZ and terminated inputs to logging PC. 11:15LT: Stopped logging, moved mag PC and changed fuse. 12:17LT: Switched on logging PC. 12:40LT: Reset magnetometer. 24 August 2005 (RAM/MH) ------------------------- 16:58LT: Turned off mag PC and sensor and moved mains plugs to APC switch. 17:05LT: Restarted logging PC. ------------------------- 14 March, 2006 (KM/RAM) >From an invoice the grass at Darwin has been slashed between 1st to 10th March 2006. ---------------------------------- 16 March, 2006 (RAM) Tenix contractors on-site 14 and 16 March fixing A/C. --------------------- 29 March, 2006 (CT/RAM) We have not received any data from DWN for ~9Hrs It appears that the modem may have hung off hook. I am unable to cycle the modems power via the phone controlled power switch (on the other ph line used to cycle the power on the modem). -------------------------------- 30 March, 2006 (CT/RAM) FYI Comms to DWN restored, data backlog clearing ---------------------- 8 May, 2006 (CY/RAM) We have lost comms to Darwin station - engaged tone. Probably the same problem as last time - modem in a funny state due to electrical activity. When convenient could someone drop by and cycle the power on the modem. ----------------------- 14 October, 2006 (RAM) [6323010] Darwin.mag red Sat Oct 14 05:45:48 2006 me061013.dwn was appended to 1363 minutes ago -------------------------------------------- 22 October, 2006 (RAM) [4295010] Darwin.mag red Sun Oct 22 22:15:57 2006 me061022.dwn was appended to 1273 minutes ago ------------------------------------------------ 22 October, 2006 Cycled power on DWN modem Campbell IT Services IPS Radio & Space Services ----------------------------------------------- [7716110] Darwin.mag red Thu Jan 25 06:21:16 2007 me070124.dwn was appended to 874 minutes ago ------------------------------------------------- MAG PC rebooted ~0200UT on 29/1/07. RAM ------------------------------------------------- 7 March, 2007 (CT/RAM) G'Day Comsource FYI There has been no data from the IPS site at Darwin for sometime The phone line to the phone power switch is now working but the modem is not answering on its line. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 March, 2007 (RAM) FYI Comsource has attended site & found Comms PC Kaput Comms PC being packed up @ DWN to send back Replacement being configured CT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 March, 2007 (RAM) darwin rebooted at Wed Mar 14 02:59:13 WST 2007 ie. Tue Mar 13 18:59:13 UTC 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14 March, 2007 G'Day All The saga continues but we are making progress!!! Thanks to Mick @ Comsource the following was found Phone line 08 89844392 was found to be dead!!! Phone lines swapped between modem and phone power switch. Communication with Comms server restored. CT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 March, 2007 G'Day Comsource, Data from the magnetometer at the IPS station is showing zero volts. When you next visit the station could you please check the magnetometer power supply which is located in the building on the floor at the rear of the racks (i believe). It is a silver box approx 11cmHx22cmWx14cmD with the words "triaxial magnetic variometer power supply" on one side. Could you please check if the green LED is lit and if so could you please measure the output voltage (you will have to remove the cable) at the outlet labelled "COM 15V -15V" and let me know the results. Thanks. regards Richard Marshall IPS Radio and Space Services ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 MARCH, 2007 (RAM) G'Day All Re: Mag Attn: Richard Mick inspected the "triaxial magnetic variometer power supply". LED is off but +-15V is on the outlet. Also asked him to cycle power on that unit too. CT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [9318710] Darwin.mag red Tue Mar 20 21:02:20 2007 me070320.dwn was appended to 1019 minutes ago ----------------------------------------------------- 22 March, 2007 (RAM) G'Day ALL Update FYI Re: No data from DWN Looks like phone line the modem is on finally died when Telstra inspected both lines yesterday afternoon. Report from the Telstra tech is that there is at least damage to the 10pair cable coming into the site MDF located in the Met hut. Kay is on the case/in communication with the Telstra tech & Met et al...... Regards -- Campbell IT Services IPS Radio & Space Services --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The MAG PC was switched off using the APC switch at 0713UT on 22 March until fault in MAG data diagnosed and rectified. RAM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- darwin rebooted at Mon Apr 2 09:16:09 WST 2007 ie. Mon Apr 2 01:16:09 UTC 2007 CJT -------------------------------------------------------- 5 April, 2007 Test results below indicate sensor appears OK and dont explain bad data obtain previously that resulted in PC being switched off. Restarted logging on MAG PC......hopefully logged data is OK now. RAM --------------------------------------------------------------- MAG PC switched off again at ~0325UT on 5/4/07 as the voltages being logged are noise. RAM -------------------------------------------------------------- 10 May, 2007 Mick Upton from Comsource performed further tests to the MAG system. It appears that somehow the signal cables had been disconnected and that the magnetometer itself appears OK. Logging restarted approx 0030UT on 10 May. RAM ------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 June, 2007 (CT/RAM) Hi Comsource FYI we have lost telecommunications with our site @ DWN. At your earliest convenience please investigate. Symptoms: Modem not answering. Done: Cycled power on modem -> not restored. Some possibilities: Phone line down modem down/dead IPS Comms PC down Regards -- Campbell IT Services IPS Radio & Space Services ---------------------------------------------------------------- darwin rebooted at Tue Jun 5 13:41:10 CST 2007 ie. Tue Jun 5 04:11:10 UTC 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 5 June, 2007 (CY/RAM) The Darwin computers were in an odd state - possibly due to power failure and have been rebooted by local support. Colin ------------------------------------------------------------------- darwin rebooted at Mon Jul 2 09:00:54 CST 2007 ie. Sun Jul 1 23:30:54 UTC 2007 -------------------------------------------------------------------- MAG PC rebooted approx 0330UT on 2 July, 2007. RAM ----------------------------------------------------- darwin rebooted at Thu Jul 26 05:35:46 CST 2007 ie. Wed Jul 25 20:05:46 UTC 2007 -------------------------------------------------------------------- [6684510] Darwin.mag red Thu Aug 2 23:09:18 2007 me070801.dwn was appended to 982 minutes ago ---------------------------------------------------------- darwin rebooted at Thu Aug 2 16:10:39 CST 2007 ie. Thu Aug 2 06:40:39 UTC 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------- MAG PC rebooted approx 2355UT on 2/8/07. RAM -------------------------------------------------------------------- Mag data back approx 0010UT 3/8/07 - power failure probable cause. RAM -------------------------------------------- darwin rebooted at Fri Aug 24 10:35:38 CST 2007 ie. Fri Aug 24 01:05:38 UTC 2007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 September, 2007 (CT/RAM) FYI Communications restored to DWN at approx Mon Sep 3 13:52:42 CST 2007 ie. Mon Sep 3 04:22:43 UTC 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Control PC's rebooted at ~ Mon Sep 3 04:56:51 UTC 2007 Campbell IT Services IPS Radio & Space Services ---------------------------------------------------------------- darwin rebooted at Tue Oct 2 09:01:45 CST 2007 ie. Mon Oct 1 23:31:45 UTC 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- darwin rebooted at Fri Nov 2 09:17:34 CST 2007 ie. Thu Nov 1 23:47:34 UTC 2007 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- darwin rebooted at Tue Nov 13 17:55:50 CST 2007 ie. Tue Nov 13 08:25:50 UTC 2007 --------------------------------------------------------------- darwin rebooted at Mon Dec 3 07:02:32 CST 2007 ie. Sun Dec 2 21:32:32 UTC 2007 -----------------------------------------------------------------------Updated IGRF and Geomagnetic coordinates Updated IGRF and Geomagnetic coordinates Updated IGRF and Geomagnetic coordinates on Fri May 10 07:28:49 UTC 2013 Updated IGRF and Geomagnetic coordinates on Mon May 13 01:40:33 UTC 2013 Updated z-offsets on Mon May 13 01:41:43 UTC 2013 Entry added on Mon May 13 06:38:13 UTC 2013 This is a test message _________________________________________ Entry added on Mon May 13 06:40:15 UTC 2013 This is a test message _________________________________________ Entry added on Mon May 13 06:43:38 UTC 2013 This is a test message _________________________________________ Entry added on Wed Jun 26 08:22:38 UTC 2013 Mofifications to software giving baseline shift from 00UT on 26/6/2013 _________________________________________ Entry added on Fri Jun 28 06:17:53 UTC 2013 Software updates created offset changes 00UT _________________________________________ 26 Feb 2015 (RAM) Data type: "h" Data acquisition system changed from 16-bit to 24-bit on 25 Feb. Station parameter changed to "h" to reflect changes made to resolution parameters in stn.dat file. --------------------------------------------------- Entry added on Mon Jul 11 01:04:52 UTC 2016 Updated IGRF and geomagnetic coordinates. _________________________________________ Entry added on Wed Jun 23 01:24:00 UTC 2021 Ongoing intermittent issues with data quality. Start date undetermined. _________________________________________ 06 Mar 2024 (JY) Data feed stopped on 2023-09-26. The stn.dat file has been updated in preparation for the upgrade of the Darwin magnetometer to the MDAS data acquisition system in April/May 2024. The IGRF and Geomagnetic coordinates have also been updated.